Practical test of Sony 70_300 mm f/4.5-5.6 G lens

Practical test of Sony 70_300 mm f/4.5-5.6 G lens

Taking advantage of a business trip, I decided to check the performance of Sony Alpha 900 with a new Sony 70 ? 300mm f/4.5-5.6 G SSM lens affixed to it. As a matter of fact, it was my first time using the new Sony camera body. Even though I was also taking photos of other themes during the trip, I would like to concentrate on this session a little longer.


Sony Alpha 900 has a good and sure grip. Neither my camera nor I fell overboard, although I sometimes asked for it. The camera is watertight to the degree that it is protected very well, in my opinion, against splashing water, much better than my eyes. The autofocus works very fast, I cannot quote figures here, but since I did not think about the focus while taking photos, even for a moment, this means that it is good. Generally speaking, there was no problem with focus at all in that case. This is even more positive considering that I took photos using all the AF modes. A very convenient solution is to use the trace mode in the camera, and simultaneously the AF lock located on the lens body. This solution, familiar from earlier professional lenses, makes it very easy to work fast. I read on a web forum that there is an ?only 9-point? AF, which is supposed to be a negative thing. I was shocked and completely crushed. Terrified, I could not sleep for some nights, especially that I usually use just one point, the center focus area. And it was not too long ago when you took photos dead center until you were dead...
The camera?s bright focusing screen makes it possible to forget the relatively dark lens. The moderate brightness of Sony 70 ? 300 mm f/4.5-5.6 G SSM 5,6 is not an obstacle at all. On the other hand, the wide focus area lets you almost tangibly survey with your eye everything that is going on in the frame. The large picture is right in front of us, as if we were in the very center of the events. I don?t have to mention that in such conditions, to control picture parameters on the focusing screen is a piece of cake.

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